
Dialogs are useful when a user needs to leave the normal application flow to focus on a specific message or workflow.

To automatically focus on an element / component after the dialog window opens, add a data-focus attribute to that element.


attribute: type: required? default: description:
size string no small

Indicating the standard width of the dialog (small, medium or large)

modal boolean no false

Enable 'modal' behavior of dialog (does not close on clicking overlay or [esc]). You need to programmatically close this dialog after opening.

hidemodaloverlay boolean no false

Hide modal overlay (gray background), so the background stay accessible

top string no  

Overwrite the default top by CSS

left string no  

Overwrite the default left by CSS

bottom string no  

Overwrite the default bottom by CSS

right string no  

Overwrite the default right value by CSS



Triggered before the open transition is started


Triggered before the closing transition is started


Triggered after the dialog has opened


Triggered after the dialog is closed


trigger dialog

Example Dialog Title

Bacon ipsum dolor amet prosciutto beef ribs pork belly pastrami spare ribs short loin pig tri-tip cupim kielbasa strip steak short ribs ground round.

Button Label Button Label
<dl-button id="trigger-regular">trigger dialog</dl-button>

<dl-dialog id="dialog-regular">
  <h1>Example Dialog Title</h1>
  <p>Bacon ipsum dolor amet prosciutto beef ribs pork belly pastrami spare ribs short loin pig tri-tip cupim kielbasa strip steak short ribs ground round.</p>

    <div class="dl-field">
      <label>field title</label>
        <dl-input name="dinges" placeholder="Placeholder text…" data-focus></dl-input>

    <div class="dl-field">
      <label>field title</label>
        <dl-input name="dinges" placeholder="Placeholder text…"></dl-input>

  <div class="buttons">
    <dl-button>Button Label</dl-button>
    <dl-button icon="vc-search" state="progressive">Button Label</dl-button>
const trigger = document.querySelector('#trigger-regular')
const dialog = document.querySelector('#dialog-regular')
trigger.addEventListener('click', function() {

Modal dialog, with auto-focus on the 'click to close' button

trigger dialog

Example Dialog Title

Bacon ipsum dolor amet prosciutto beef ribs pork belly pastrami spare ribs short loin pig tri-tip cupim kielbasa.

Click to close
<dl-button id="trigger-simple">trigger dialog</dl-button>

<dl-dialog id="dialog-simple" modal>
  <h1>Example Dialog Title</h1>
  <p>Bacon ipsum dolor amet prosciutto beef ribs pork belly pastrami spare ribs short loin pig tri-tip cupim kielbasa.</p>

  <div class="buttons">
    <dl-button state="positive" id="dialog-close" data-focus>Click to close</dl-button>
const triggerSimple = document.querySelector('#trigger-simple')
const dialogSimple = document.querySelector('#dialog-simple')
const closeSimple = document.querySelector('#dialog-close')

triggerSimple.addEventListener('click', function() {
closeSimple.addEventListener('click', function() {

Positioned by left (calc(100% - 360px)) and top(calc(100% - 360px)) with hidemodaloverlay (no grey background -> clickable background)

trigger dialog

Example Dialog Title

Bacon ipsum dolor amet prosciutto beef ribs pork belly pastrami spare ribs short loin pig tri-tip cupim kielbasa strip steak short ribs ground round.

Button Label Close
<dl-button id="trigger-positioned">trigger dialog</dl-button>

<dl-dialog id="dialog-positioned" hidemodaloverlay left="calc(100% - 360px)" top="calc(100% - 360px)">
    <h1>Example Dialog Title</h1>
    <p>Bacon ipsum dolor amet prosciutto beef ribs pork belly pastrami spare ribs short loin pig tri-tip
        cupim kielbasa strip steak short ribs ground round.</p>

        <div class="dl-field">
            <label>field title</label>
                <dl-input name="dinges" placeholder="Placeholder text…" data-focus></dl-input>

        <div class="dl-field">
            <label>field title</label>
                <dl-input name="dinges" placeholder="Placeholder text…"></dl-input>

    <div class="buttons">
        <dl-button>Button Label</dl-button>
        <dl-button state="positive" id="dialog-close-positioned">Close</dl-button>
const closepositioned = document.querySelector('#dialog-close-positioned')
const triggerpositioned = document.querySelector('#trigger-positioned')
const dialogpositioned = document.querySelector('#dialog-positioned')

triggerpositioned.addEventListener('click', function () {

closepositioned.addEventListener('click', function () {