
Calendars render a calendar for a given month, and allows users to select a date or range from the calendar.

  • Read Only visualizes the current month & day but does not allow the user to interact with the calendar in any way.
  • Single Select provides a calendar & allows users to navigate through months or years & select a singular date.
  • Range Select provides a calendar & allows users to navigate through months or years & select a range of dates.


attribute: type: required? default: description:
range boolean no false

Enable selection of date-range instead of single date

date-start date-string no  

At what month the calendar should open by default.

date-min date-string no  

Minimum selectable date.

date-max date-string no  

Maximum selectable date.

active-start date-string no  

Start of selected range. Selected date in non-range mode.

active-end date-string no  

End of selected range.

week-starts-on-monday boolean no false

Should weeks start with Monday? Default is Sunday.


Calendar (Read-only)

Read-Only act a means of visualizing the current month & day but does not allow the user to interact with the calendar in any way.

<dl-calendar readonly></dl-calendar>

Calendar (Single-select)

Single Select provides the user with a calendar & allowing them to navigate through months or years & select a singular date at a time.

<dl-calendar style="max-width: 420px"></dl-calendar>

Calendar (Range-select)

Range Select provides the user with a calendar & allowing them to navigate through months or years & select a range of dates at a time.

<dl-calendar range style="max-width: 420px"></dl-calendar>

Read-only Calendar with Selected Range

<dl-calendar readonly range active-start="2018-03-15" active-end="2018-03-22"></dl-calendar>

Calendar narrow

<dl-calendar style="max-width: 240px" range></dl-calendar>