
A special type of input with autocomplete options based on inputted text.

The dealogicData['countries'] array used in the example is a global variable with a list of country objects, each with the following properties:

  • label: country name
  • sup: country code
  • sub: capital city
  • group: continent name

Please refer to the picklist docs for more details about 'option' objects.


attribute: type: required? default: description:
name string no

Name of the embedded input

value string no

Input value (this attribute can be used to set & get the input value)

placeholder string no

Input placeholder

maxlength integer no

Specifies the maximum number of characters (in UTF-16 code units) that the user can enter

icon string no vc-search

Icon to show in picklist button

disabled boolean no false

Disabled autocomplete

multiple boolean no false

Enable multi-select



Set the callback function that's called whenever the search input value changes.

param: type: default: description:
callback function   A function that can returns either an Array of option objects or a Promise that resolves with an Array of option objects. The function receives a single parameter: the current value of the search input.

setOptions(options, openDropdown)

Set the options that populate the dropdown.

param: type: default: description:
options Array   an Array of option objects
openDropdown boolean false should the picklist dropdown be opened?


Set the selected option(s).

param: type: default: description:
options Array   an Array of option objects


Opens the autocomplete dropdown


Closes the autocomplete dropdown


Get current value of input. Please note, this will always return a string. To get the selected value (which can be an object), please listen to the 'selected' event.



Triggered whenever an option is selected. Contains a single option object in 'single' mode. Contains an Array of options objects in 'multiple' mode. Note: from v0.1.16, this event is not triggered when using the 'setSelected' method.


Fired when the input field receives focus.


Fired when focus is removed from the input field.


Fired when input value changes (debounced event).


Fired when the input field is cleared (by clicking x)


Autocomplete (Single)

<dl-autocomplete name="country" icon="vc-search" placeholder="choose a country"></dl-autocomplete>
<dl-input icon="events-city" val="" name="country-output" disabled="true" placeholder="waiting…"></dl-input>
var elInput = document.querySelector('dl-autocomplete[name="country"]')
var elOutput = document.querySelector('dl-input[name="country-output"]')

var filterCountries = function(query) {
  if (!query.length) {
    return []

  var countries = dealogicData['countries']
  var search = query.toLowerCase()
  var options = countries.filter(function(country) {
    var label = typeof country == 'string' ? country : country.label
    return label.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) !== -1

  return options

var promiseFilterCountries = function(query) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 3000)

elInput.addEventListener('ready', function(event) {
  if ( == elInput) {

elInput.addEventListener('selected', function(event) {
  console.log('optionSelected', event.detail)
  elOutput.value = event.detail.label